Don't you wonder about me?

Here is introduce by myself♥
1. What is your name? Su Jin, PARK
2. What is your nickname? Bok ggil♥
3. What is your nationality? KOREAN
4. What is your D.O.B? 12.09.1987
5. Where do you live? Breakfast Point
6. What college are you attend? UTS: INSEARCH / Diploma of Communication
7. What do you want to be in the future? Flight Attendant, Copyrighter
8 Who is your favourite actor/actress? Reese Witherspoon/ Mark Ruffalo
9. What is your favourite song? Fly -Epik High (Korea)
10. What is your favourite film? Life is beutiful/ Legally Blonde
11. If you want to emigrate to other country,
where do you want to go? Why? England / No reason hahahaha
12. If you live only one day more, what would you do? Eating!!! Eat lots of delicious foods or
Plant an apple tree hahahah
13. If you can live as a main character in the movie,
which movie you would choose? Legally blonde, because it is my favourite!!
14. If you find a million dollor on the street, what would you do? well, what do i do?
15. Are you sure that all answers are honest? Yes, of course!!
Su jin
i absolutely agree your number 12 answer that you want eat as much as you can before we die. ha ha~
i will buy food for you.
wut a wonderful profile of u with cute photos !!!
really nice! mom..
u should buy me food as well..
me too, agree with jin, i will eat as much as i can before i die, hee~~
so nice to know more about you.
hey Sujin, read your blog, so now I know you more, hahaha....
Hi~ Sujin..
flight attendant ...
what a great job..
it's my dream job as well..
but it's only a dream....
I'm not tall enough... =.=
Legally blonde is a good "chick flick" I've see it a few times.
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