I also joined the 'Magic Power' Team!!
Director- Jin, Presenter- Aileen, Camera- Arya and Stephanie, and Model- Sujin.
Actually, Hitomi was sick, so she could not attend, unfortunately.
Director- Jin, Presenter- Aileen, Camera- Arya and Stephanie, and Model- Sujin.
Actually, Hitomi was sick, so she could not attend, unfortunately.
The Film magic power is about make-up and changing hair style.
As 'Hirise' team, the magic power's crews are so amazing.
I was a model in this film. It was quiet surprise experience.
My crews were working so good.
Honestly, when Jin asked me the model role, I thought it is easy duty.
However, it is also one of tuff work. Everyone could move freely, but only me!! I could not
move freely nor can smile during the make up, I just stay at the chair.
Although, it is hard for me, it is good and precious experience.
I also say thank you all crews of Magic power!!